Baby Born on 2/20/20 at 2:20 p.m. at Doctors Medical Center

Feb 20, 2020

A baby born at Doctors Medical Center in February has a special birth date.

Baby Alyssa and momBaby Alyssa Victoria was born on 2/20/20 at exactly 2:20 p.m. To top it off, she was a perfect 20 inches long.

Alyssa’s mother, Jocelyne Tinoco, thought she was going to give birth on Valentine’s Day with her due date being Feb. 13. But Alyssa had other plans.

“It is pretty cool,” Tinoco told The Modesto Bee. “That’s a lot of twos, and then to be 20 inches long, what are the odds? That is just crazy.”

Tinoco and her husband, Angel Ramirez, also have a 5-year-old daughter named Azalea who is enjoying being a big sister.

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